Kinesio Therapy
Addresses the origins of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction through correction of posture, neuromuscular patterns, and biomechanics.
Kinesio Therapy Is for you IF
You are currently in pain from an acute or chronic injury
Are limited or unable to do something you love
You’re tired of
Doing Physical Therapy 3x/week
Unspecialized, Impersonal care
Not getting to the “level” you need to be at
Constantly Addressing symptoms
Not getting results
And You Want to
Work with Specialist Doctors
Address the Root Cause of your problem
Get back to the level you were at before (or beyond!)
Kinesio Training
A training methodology focused on optimizing human performance through the development and diversification of movement.
Kinesio Training Is for your IF
You’re sick of getting injured while training
Tired of training not specific to your needs
Not getting the results you want
Are questioning the methodology behind your training…
And You want any of the following
Work with Educated Specialists
Enhance your fitness, health, and LIFE
Optimize your sport/running performance
Ensure you’re able to do the things you love forever!